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Make the rest of your life the best of your life

27 Jul

Your three C's

Published by Loshnee

Your three C's

Choice, chance and change - your three life changing C's. I love reading inspiring books and articles, there's just something about reassuring text that makes me feel like I haven't lost and I wont lose even if I am at the pit of a situation or circumstance. The reason why these texts make a difference though is because I choose to take a chance on what is written and so I believe with everything in me that I will and can change, sometimes my mindset, sometimes my attitude and most times negativity. Everything we do in life requires us to make choices: brown bread or white bread? Rice or noodles? Yes or No? Fly or drive? Honesty or dishonesty? Love or hate? Freedom or captivity? Some choices are easier to make than others but I have learnt that the harder choices are usually what sets us apart especially when it comes to ones character.

I am one of those crazy people that enjoys running and exercising, my heart pounding against my chest is pleasurable and exciting however recently I made a choice to walk down a road of wallowing and so I found myself lying on the couch with a lot of unhealthy food and snacks rather than doing what I am used to. The inevitable was bound to happen, I looked into the mirror one day and my favorite pair of jeans were not fitting me anymore. I put on weight, a lot of weight, and so I had a choice to make. I had to either start eating correctly and working out or I had to get a bigger sized pair of jeans. I opted for the bigger sized pair of jeans. The first week or so was great, these jeans fit and they looked nice too and besides its whats on the inside that matters anyway. After a while though I realized that I was still uncomfortable - my body just felt wrong and because of that my wallowing got stronger. See, opting for bigger sized jeans wasn't necessarily the better choice, it was just the easier choice. Often life is like that, we are met with choices and we tend to choose the easier fix rather than taking the tough chances to make good changes in our lives. As for me and my jeans, I decided that enough was enough so I started eating healthier and exercising again, finding time to exercise is hard but its a choice I have to constantly make every day in order for the change to take place. I have to give myself that chance to fight and would you believe that the exercising has even brought the wallowing to a minimum as well.

Chances are just as important as your choices if you desire to see change. I always used to say that everyone deserves at least 3 chances if they make a mistake because sometimes its the situation and not the person. A lot of the time I said that I was the one that needed the second or third chance because of a mistake I made but there was a time that arose where I needed to give the second chance. I soon found out that giving people chances after they mess up is not so easy. I was hurt and if I gave this person another chance it meant that I also gave this person an opportunity to hurt me again, and there I was stuck with a choice. Do I forgive and accept my friends apology or do I make a choice to destroy a friendship I was fond of? My heart was torn in two for days until one day I came across the parable of the unmerciful servant in the bible. Peter asked God how many times he should forgive his brother who sins against him and God replied 70 times 7. I remember thinking, well that beats my three chances and that's how I learnt the true meaning of giving someone another chance. I soon learnt after that day that my friend needed that chance, she needed someone to believe in her just one more time and that chance helped her to bring some change in the situations she had been facing.

What I am trying to say is that the three C's of life is essential for growth, making the right choice can bring about the biggest change in your life and giving and taking chances can make a difference in every life you may come across and every relationship you may embark on. Take a chance on yourself and make healthy choices, embrace change in your life because the next turn could be the highlight in your journey called life. Choose to live by choice, take chances on people and make changes and not excuses. Choose to excel and not compete, choose self esteem and not self pity and finally choose to listen to the Holy Spirit because He will never let you down.

Until next time - remember to make the choice to take a chance or life will never change.


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Make the rest of your life the best of your life